
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2015

"Os celtas acreditavam que todos os pedidos realizados à meia noite do dia 31 de outubro tinham mais chances de serem realizados."

Fonte klique aki:   O Halloween é uma tradição praticada há mais de 3 mil anos, iniciada pelos povos Celtas, e celebrado na noite de 31 de outubro. No entanto, o nome original da data, usado por esses povos, era "Samhain". A palavra "Halloween" foi adaptada ao longo do tempo, por conta do Dia de todos os Santos, comemorado em 1º de novembro, que em inglês significa "All Hallows   Eve", cuja abreviação se tornou Halloween. A prática de se fantasiar nessa data se deu justamente pela crença que os celtas tinham neste dia especial. Esses povos afirmavam que na noite do dia 31 de outubro, o véu que cobre o mundo astral e a Terra deixava de existir exatamente à meia noite. Para se proteger de possíveis perigos, os celtas se cobriam com peles de bichos e máscaras de Deuses para não serem reconhecidos por espíritos ruins, já que neste momento eles teriam mais facilidade de fazer "travessuras" com os seres da Terra. Essa prática então começou a s...

List of Text Messaging & SMS Abbreviations

Source: click here :)

List of Internet Acronyms

Source: click here :)

Interesting Acronym, like....PIN number

Acronym Laser : light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Interpol : International Criminal Police Organization Nabisco : National Biscuit Company AIDS : acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Radar : radio detection and ranging FAQ : frequently asked question CD - ROM :   Compact Disc read-only memory JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group SFMOMA : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art :) BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation 3M : originally Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company ATM machine : automated teller machine E3 expo : electronic entertainment expo HIV virus : human immunodeficiency virus LCD display : liquid crystal display PIN number : personal identification number number CAC card : common access card card Source: click here :)  

How Does Poverty Affect the Brain?

 Poor children often face a combination of deficits in language and selective attention skills, which is the ability to tune out unwanted distractions and focus on classroom activities. Growing up in poverty can hinder childhood achievement and affect life trajectory. Researchers in fields, such as economics and social sciences, have extensively documented these differences, but can neuroscientists develop a more complete understanding of poverty’s reach by studying the brains of infants and young children? If neuroscience research can determine the roots of the disparities by looking inside the brain, we may be able to gain a unique perspective on interventions that lessen these differences. On October 18, a group of leading experts at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago held a roundtable discussion about how this ambitious goal might be achieved, with the objective of documenting the effects of poverty on the brain and providing evidence-ba...